Known Issue
* currently none.
Remaining tasks (ToDo)
- make How-to (WIP)
Update histories
2025/01/16 v4.16.6
- Added confirm popup to "Config Reset".
- If click that link with pushing both of [Ctrl] or [Shift] or [Alt] key, it became to FULL-WIPE mode and also will wipe Cookie Accepting and Login state.
- Bugfix: A problem that created token can't copy to clipboard even if click it.
- FirstAid: Cookie Accepting's object IDs has chended to avoid a problem that it's not appeared due to be judged as violent by an extentions.
2025/01/15 v4.16.5
- Bugfix: Location code form's help (content of float message) is none.
2025/01/03 v4.16.4
- Added PoT/Panjura/GreenPlateau's pond.
2024/12/29 v4.16.3
- Bugfix: Display All Icon isn't work.
2024/12/29 v4.16.2
- Gateway
- Regenerate map image around of East Lake.
- Added Radio Tower
2024/12/17 v4.16.1
- End beta, start to transition from old vertion's TI map.
- Adjsut css of Icon flashing emphasizer.
- Bugfix: Map icon that is set as area mode is only flashed around of icon, not around of thier area.
2024/12/14 v4.16
- Added photo search. This is able to open from Mapdata/Photo.
- Added an option for prevent open multiple photo pin tab to Map Config/Footer.
- Bugfix: Map will be moved when mouse move just after click photo pin.
2024/12/10 v4.15.6
- Fixed readme showing function to a little lighter load.
- Added readme's link table of contents to sidebar.
2024/12/08 v4.15.5
- Update location share group member list a little again for more better look.
- CSS adjustment.
2024/12/07 v4.15.4
- Changed location share group member list to MyDino like for more better look.
- Changed to force leave from Location share group before go out/close the page.
2024/12/01 v4.15.3
- Fixed mobile's rendering size config.
- CSS adjustment.
- WIP Howto document...
2024/11/30 v4.15.2
- Added Salts to Gateyaw.
- Bugfix: Zoom smoothing was something wrong.
- Bugfix: Can't keep login state after reload when if login by emargency token.
- Bugfix: Faild to convert old PoT map's mydino data when current ver's mydino data id nothing.
- Bugfix: Member icons were remaining after leave that Location share group.
- CSS adjustment.
2024/11/29 v4.15.1
- Bugfix: Can't pinting zoom. [mobile]
- Bugfix: Map was sometime displayed upper of sidebar. [iOS/Safari]
2024/11/24 v4.15
- Removed "copy as URL" button
- Removed edit lock function from account token system to prevent to no more edit it when lost while locked.
- Added master/child relation as alternation of edit lock.
- Added emargency recavery token for when lost master terminal's login state.
- This is only shown on the message of finished to create the account.
- Update to login QR to more better readability.
- MyID's photo list is moved to fotter tab.
2024/11/16 v4.14.2
- Changed Map Icon (font is changed to web font:Noto Color Emoji)
- If you had accepted Cookie, no longer show Cookie accepting confirm on Readme again after "Config Reset".
- Bugfix: Lost account login status when use "Config Reset".
- Bugfix: Display position of showing area's rect that is on thumbnail (header area's minimap) is wrong when rotating.
2024/11/15 v4.14.1
- Bugfix: Grid line value is moved to wrong position when rotate more than ±45deg.
- Calculations of map drag limit have been optimized, processing load became slightly lighter.
2024/11/14 v4.14b
- CSS adjusted.
2024/11/10 v4.14
- Added accept confirm of Cookie/LocalStorage.
- While not accept, you can't use account system, and memoried data of config and mydinos will be wiped when close this map.
2024/11/09 v4.13
- Changed MyDino manegiment system.
- Now MyDino data that added before account register will be convert to account data automatically.
- Now can select marge or wipe local MyDino data when login to exist account.
- Now can convert old PoT Map's MyDino data.
- Added data type display to My Dinos tab bar (account linked / local memory).
- Changed background-color of the message of no dino registed or no dino matched.
- Added edit lock to account token menu.
- While locking, that token can't edit/delete/logout by both of own terminal and other terminals.
- Now the line of own terminal's token has yellow background color.
- Logout (delete own terminal's token) link has moved from bottom of table to just below of own token line.
- Added token error log, and message for error sopport to MyID tab (only displayed when not login).
- Bugfix: Photo data was bugged if set "danger" option.
- Bugfix: Movement limit was wrong when rotate and zoomed.
2024/11/06 v4.12.5
- Now able to display inherit images list at Account register window.
- No longer able to inherit images that uploaded on old maps again.
- Account delete window's text size became to bigger and bolder.
- Added confirm checkbox to account delete window to prevent skipping reconfirm by rapid multiple clicking accidentally.
2024/11/04 v4.12.4
- Bugfix: Movement limit was wrong when rotate the map.
- Bugfix: Zoom area rect was wrong when zoom-out
2024/11/03 v4.12.3
- Gateway map update: East plains has been re-model (Evrima 0.17.58)
- Added red shadow to Danger pin for visibility.
- Bugfix: Can't drag when enable "Quick move"
- Bugfix: Location Share list was displayed location cord link even if she is on other map.
- Now show map name, and it isn't linked.
- Bugfix: Location Share icon was also dispalyed on own location while not login.
- Bugfix: Temporaly target pin (purple pin) was not displayed when if disable PhotoPin.
- Bugfix: Marker log had keeped even if you disable "Keep Marker History".
2024/11/02 v4.12.2
- Bugifx: Mydino couldn't adding while not login. (both of save to LocalStrage and load it were bugged)
- Bugfix: Species selector window will not close after select the species if opened from mydino edit.
- Bugfix: If map select of mydino list filter was selected "* current map", it was force changed to "(current map name)" after edit mydino.
- Bugfix: Server and map select of mydino list hadn't have new (changed) server/map after edit mydino.
2024/11/01 v4.12.1
- Bugfix: QR code that displayed when create new token was wrong.
- Bugfix: Map link of another map had only changed the map, not focus to that coords (but focused to the default position of that map).
- Bugfix: Info balloon of MyDino (No.0) was not be displayed.
- Bugfix: LocationData/QuickSearch option hadn't worked even if that was enable and you back app focus to browser.
2024/10/30 v4.12
- Added "Quick move" and "Touch to Move" options to "Map Config".
- Changed the message what displayed when mydino list is nothing due to there's possibility of misleading.
- If you have not add any dinos, display "No dinos is added yet"
- If no hit to filter, display "No dinos is matched"
- Changed species selector's title from "GameTitle - MapName" to "GameTitle - BranchName".
- Bugfix: When the data to be saved contained certain special characters, save data sometime could be corrupted.
- Bugfix: Species selector is not close when open it by MyDino edit form, and push [Cancel] or [Save] button without select it.
2024/10/29 v4.11.2
- Now automatically open the previously opened tab of sidebar when re-accessing.
- Bugfix: Mydino No.1 was displayed regardless whether it matches the display filter after save any mydino
- Bugfix: Readme was not open when re-accessing even if "Not open when come back" option was off.
2024/10/26 v4.11.1
- Remaked photo edit form.
- Pin location input form has changed to split X and Y. These are Number form, it's able to increase/decrease by [↑][↓] key.
- Bugfix: photo edit form's minimap displayed wrong position when if zoom-scale was not x1 before open the form.
- Admin function update.
2024/10/25 v4.11
- Images that uploaded to old maps have been copied.
- Update photo edit form.
- Added map selector to photo edit form. (Now able to move to other map).
- Disabled to map change while photo editing. (due to minimap will be bugged).
- Minimap is became to be able to change zoom, rotate, tilt, and cave-mode.
- Purple pin (same as when upload a photo to new pin) will be displayed when set the location for move to.
2024/10/24 v4.10
- Added minimap to photo edit screen
- This minimap only can drag, Belows params are fixed.
- Zoom scale = 1.0
- Rotate = 0 deg
- Tilt = 0 deg
- Cave = Ground
2024/10/23 v4.9.1
- [PoT] Food&Items data became to be linked each other.
- When edit on either old or new map, another side will be updated as same.
* This function is disable yet. After end of beta, this will be enable.
- Changed some icons due to Google Chrome can't display them.
- Emphasizer option no longer flash HomeCave/WayStone/MyDino/PhotoPins icons.
- These are already emphasizer by display larger than others.
2024/10/18 v4.9
- Start to Open Beta test
- My Dinos, User Account, and Snap Uploader are Locked while Beta.
- Foods & Items are wiped and copy from old ver when end Beta.
So there's no problem to edit freely.
If you need latest data, please use old ver.
- Added Game icon to Map selector.
- Added outdated maps of The Isle (but a part of map data still not make ...)
- Added link to reset configs to right-top notice zone.
- Added page number display and link to go to next article to right-top notice zone.
- Changed background color of Mydino filter input form that when not empty due to readability.
- CSS adjustment
2024/10/15 v4.8.4
- Added links to top of photo pin's content list for move to prev/next.
- Changed Footer tabs title of pins form pins/..... to ...
- Bugfix: Thumbs of photo pin's content list were displayed without maintaining the aspect ratio.
- Bugfix: No longer footer tabs will line-break when open many tabs. Now overflow to right (to access them, require to close left ones)
2024/10/11 v4.8.3
- Finish to make data of Gateway's road
2024/10/09 v4.8.2
- Map data fix/update.
2024/10/06 v4.8.1
- ReadMe became to be closed when open other side tab.
2024/10/05 v4.8
- Remaked Readme
- Bugfix: when change map, sometime focused to out of map.
2024/10/04 v4.7.1
- Cave map update
- When connecting to both of upper & lower floor at same location, display ♦ mark instead of displaying ▲ & ▼ (both will be smaller and adjusted their position)
- Color of Floor change marks is changed from white to sky/red for keeping readabillity.
- Bugfix: Cave map will be rough when tilting on Firefox
- This was occured by CSS rule of filter:drop-shadow, so I remove shadows from cave map.
2024/10/03 v4.7
- Impremented Area mode to Food & Items edit form.
2024/10/02 v4.6.2
- Added swere map of Port (TI:Evrima/Gateway)
- Fixed CSS relate of cave map
2024/09/28 v4.6.1
- Gateway map update: East Dome & Southern Plateau changed to a part of Swamp. (Evrima 0.16.189)
2024/09/27 v4.6
- Change "Zoom scale" config of wide-area mode (below 1) from 2 to 3 levels. [0.25|0.5625|1.0|……] ➔ [0.25|0.4|0.63|1.0|……]
- Text size Adjustment
- Bugfix: Admin function's hotfix.
2024/09/25 v4.5.1
- Added CSS rule to Data Browser.
- Added error popup of parsing coord string
- CSS Adjustment
2024/09/23 v4.5
- Changed headers and paragraph titles to have theme colors applied (TI:green, PoT:brown)
- Update admin editiong mode.
2024/09/21 v4.4.2
- Gateway map update: Almost around of map iamge has been remade. (Evrima 0.16.189)
2024/09/20 v4.4.1
- Bugfix: filter conbo-box is not updated after modified mydino's map/server value.
- Bugfix: filter is not applied after modified mydino's map/server value or changed displaying map.
- Bugfix: map backgorund color is not apply to correct DOM. (only affected tilt & zoom-out)
2024/09/19 v4.4
- Now map layer toggle switch become to disabled when that item is not on map.
- Andmore only Water Scent mode, it will turn off when be disabled (due to avoid additional effect of other layer to be darker).
- CSS Adjustment
2024/09/16 v4.3.11
- Added TI/Spiro map data (but only text yet)
- Bugfix: coordinate specification mode is not work correct on X direction is holizontal (Spiro and Gateway)
2024/09/15 v4.3.10
- Update Evrima:Gateway map iamge
2024/09/12 v4.3.9
- Added TI:Evrima icons
- Recorrect TI CSS (Migration, Sanctuary)
- CSS recode for fix spaghetti code (low usability).
2024/09/08 v4.3.8
- Bugfix: not restore the previous displaying position
- Bugfix: sometime failed to parse TI's location coordinate string .
2024/08/31 v4.3.7
- Added TI/V3's SVG data.
- Now Map text became to be change their size based on zoom scale.
- Baceme to be able to use image for map layer.
- This is an alternative method because it's require too many effort to create SVG data.
- Bugfix: map move limit will be wrong after changing map.
- Bugfix: grid line will explosion when set too small value to grid spacing.
- Now can't set smaler than 5 at gril line space.
2024/08/30 v4.3.6
- Added TI/Thenyaw's SVG data.
- Remove Area option from Map Data tab coz it was meaningless.
- Bugfix: Grid lines never update when change grid line spacing value.
- Update SVG object creation. (now able to fill only a part of data recode)
- Adjusted map text css.
2024/08/28 v4.3.5
- Bugfix: Float info baroon had displayed at wrong position while map is tilted.
- Bugfix: Coordinate specification mode is not work correct when map is rotated.
2024/08/27 v4.3.4
- Bugfix: a part of Map Data options are not remembered.
- Bugfix: edit mydino location by click mode is not work correct.
2024/08/26 v4.3.3
- Added Thenyaw Island data
2024/08/24 v4.3.2
- Mouse cursor became to change crosshair when coordinate specification mode (mydino move / photo pin drop / icon add).
- Bugfix: Map icon editor hadn't opened even if click icon on the map while Data Browser tab was opend.
- Bugfix: A part of mapdata had lost when save it.
- Bugfix: Temporaly pin hadn't disappear when cancel to add it.
- Bugfix: That icon had disappear when cancel to edit it.
2024/08/23 v4.3.1
- Created a part of management functions.
2024/08/22 v4.3
- Data Browser's opened directory's name became to be sticky to the top.
- Bugfix: all of the map will flash when enable Icon Emphasizer.
- Corrected Map icon position.
- Adjusted Map icon size.
2024/08/19 v4.2
- Added grid line type: dot line.
- User name became to be able to change.
- Now dispaly notification popup when success to save user profile text.
2024/08/17 v4.1.3
- Added MyDino list filter "Current map"
- Now able to delete photos with account delete.
- Changed to other map link will change the map, no longer deny it.
- Bugfix: sometime photo data edit will be failed.
2024/08/14 v4.1.2
- Added dino of The Isle.
- Species selector of Location Share (and My Dinos) became to list up only playable on map of current displaying (or the map where she is on).
- Species image of Group member list is only displayed that dino is playable on current displaying map.
- Adjust Map Icons re-scaling of zoom-in/out.
2024/08/12 v4.1.1
- Main grid line get more better visivility (colored bold line -> white line and colored line).
- Bugfix: Map Opacity is not keep after page reload.
- Bugfix: Map BG.Color is reset when do any operate (drag/zoom/rotate/etc.).
2024/08/10 v4.1
- Gateway map update: Around of East Dome and East Cave has been remade. (Evrima v0.15.191)
- Added maps: TI/Thenyaw, TI/Isle V3, TI/Spiro, and TI/Gateway
- Supported the maps with inverted XY axes
- Normaly … X is holizontal (left to right) / Y is vertical (top to bottom)
- TI/Spiro & TI/Gateway … X(Latitude) is vertical (top to bottom) / Y(Longitude) is holizontal (left to right)
- Supported the map that not square.
- Changed to not move automatically when click [Show] that is not current displayed map image at "User Account > Uploaded Photo list".
- If it's on current, map will be auto scrolled to that image's location as before.
- Bugfix: map will disappear when tilt on Chromium engine.
- Bugfix: some grid is less, or too over. (TI/V3)
- Bugfix: display as blank when changed the map from displayed high-resolution to high-res non-supported one.
- When as it, temporaly display low-resolution image as altenative.
- Selected resolution level is memorised, and when if return to high-reso supported map, it will be displayed by selected level.
2024/??/?? v4.0
* I haven't kept detailed records prior to this, so I can't go into too much detail.
- Integrates TI version and PoT version to improve convenience and simplify management
- Map dragging function is renewal.
- Now auto map scroll is showed by transition.
- Now map zoom-in/out is showing by transition. Also added displaying scaler rect & focusing point.
- Now can rotate and tilt map, and added compass.
- Now can change span and color of grid. Also grid value became to follow more correctly to map drag and rotate. (tilt is not follow currently)
- More useful categorised of map data options.
- Now can add memo to history of location search.
- Now can send your Species, Sex and Memo text on Location Sharing, not only location code. Also can use MyDino data as preset.
- Group member list of Location Share, the float ballone of Group member icon / My Dinos are displayed with background image of that dino.
- New account system. No longer can reused login toknes. If you wanna login on other terminal, you have to make new token and use it for login from it.
- Now can save My Dinos data to server, and use it on each terminal that log in to same account. (require login)(still not perfect at sync)
- Now other account info and photo pin detail is opened on footer colmune like as tab browser.
- And, all others are also re-coded...