" /> TI Map - VulnonaMAP

- Bugfix: Infinity loop of error alert popup when all of followings conditions are met.
 1, Using Chrome/Edge/Opera
 2, Quick Search option is enabled
 3, There is some string on the clipboard, and that is invalid as location value.
 4, Return the app focus from other tab or app window, or close some popup such as alert/confirm/prompt.
- Added Sanctuary of "Madflats" - Fixed area name of "West Access"
Evrima(Gateway) update (v0.17.54)
◻️ East area update
 - East plains changed to forest

Trivial changes or older than above is written in Update history

Zoom rotate Mouse-wheel on map

¼ ' 1 ' ' ' 4


Mud pool



* AI options show the area
 where they often spawn.
* There's some possibility
 to pop to other places too.

Drawing option
Basemap quality

Emphasize Latest Location

Display amount of location hist.

Keep your location hist.

Latitude value of north is...

● Latest

① Normal: connect by number

➊ Fixed: connect to latest
     * click ①/➊ to toggle
When history amount exceeds 20,
oldest will be deleted

This feature requires UserID
Please register here: [My Data]

About this feature ...

- You can share locations with
 those that use same GroupID

* Make sure to use
 complex string for GroupID
 to prevent sharing data
 with non group members

After joining ...

* When searching your location,
 it will be registered as your
 current location in group data,
 and last searched locations of
 every member will be mapped.

* Anyone that hasn't updated
 their location in 30 minutes
 will automatically get removed.

* Don't forget to click [Leave]
 when you stop playing.

* Temporaly closed.





This feature requires UserID
Please register here: [My Data]
upload to
Post Setting
Click a pin which on map
or, select from this combo-box

in Game:
on Map:
Add to place of purple pin.
* If other pin is near there,
 Pls add your photo to that.

[no file]

◆ Rules & Note
You can post JPG / PNG / GIF,
 that is 1MB or smaller.

Free processing.
OK to Trimming, Color correct, Add letters, and etc.
Others than The Isle
is NOT allowed.

I might do followings
 by the admin privileges.
- Pin position adjustment,
 or marge to other pin.
- Delete irrelevant post.
- Del incorrect/worthless post.
- Del unwrote objects photo
 after I add it.

[Beta] Rotate

* This is just an idea.
 May be abolished.



* If you don't see anything here, try Super reload (such as Ctrl+F5)

Readme - VulnonaMAP for The Isle

* When I added important note, check of [Don't display this] will be ignored only once
To transition to new version, I closed to accept new account creations and photo uploade.

You can continue to use this version for more some month, but I no longer update.
If you wanna latest data, please use the Ver4.
* New version is including both of The Isle and Path of Titans.

In the new version, you will have to create a user account again if you wanna upload photos.
But don't worry, you can inherit uploaded photos of this version.
If you are logged in with this version, a checkbox will appear asking whether or not to inherit the images at user name input screen. Check it.

↓ Click menu title to open that content.
Coco.N / ちろ
Discord: coco.n / Coco's Dev Room
Steam: Coco.N
Send fan letter & donations by OFUSE. OFUSEでファンレターを送る

This map is a Un-official tool
This map is not an official service, irrelevant to Afterthought LLC.

The map image is a composite of in-game screenshots, and that copyright belongs to Afterthought LLC.

If you meet a bug, please contact to ME.
Please do not bother (ask to) game devs.
Please do not dependent on this map
I never say "You shouldn't use this anymore after you get used to there".
But let's be able to walk arount without this as possible as you can.
If you neglect to learn the topography, someDay you will be In troublE ...
This map is just hobby
I'm just only freely doing "what I want" at "my own pace".
If there are major changes or additions, I can't respond immediately.

This site is provided on my home server.
When occuerd equipment or power failure, this site will be temporarily unusable.
To those who continue to use
If you know what I hadn't write, another name, my mistake, ... , tell me it.
Thanks for your cooperation :D
- 恐竜系ゲームコミュニティ『おいでよ きょうりゅうの島』
Map is draggable
Left-drag … Normal mode: you can drag untill you release left button.
Right-click … Toggle mode: you can drag untill you click again.
* When mouseout, dragging will be force stoped.
Every map is North-UP
Direction of these map is based on the North Star and Geomagnetism, not based on value of Latitude or the path of the sun/moon.
Please be carful, Legacy and Evrima has different Latitude/Longitude axis.
There's a few displacement due to altitude
Gridline and Location marker are not completely accurate.
When you wanna know your perfect correct position, you should take a closer look at the surrounding topography.
How to display the location
by using ASSET LOCATION string
How to get it?
  1, Open Character panel (default is [insert] key, or select from [Esc] menu.
  2, Click "ASSET LOCATION" to copy
  3, Paset it to "Location" form

All of following formats are supported!
Legacy format (Lat: -123,456.789 Long: -123,456.789 Alt: -123,456.7)
(Lat: -123.456,789 Long: -123,456,789 Alt: -123.456,7)
(Lat: -123 456,789 Long: -123,456,789 Alt: -123 456,7)
Evrima format -123,456.789, -123,456.789, -123,456.7
-123.456,789, -123.456,789, -123.456,7
-123 456,789, -123 456,789, -123 456,7
by input directly like as "-123,456"

This will be treat as 1000 times value as often used to tell it on chat.
  e.g. "123,456" means "(Lat: 123,000.0 Long: 456,000.0 Alt: ***,***.*)".

Detail of analysing rule:
  Inputed string is treat as string that joined following 3 value.
  [1] numeric (If this has a minus sign immediately before, include it)
  [2] non-numeric (any-length)
  [3] numeric (same as [1])

Example of how recognized:
-123, -456
-123 -456
123, 456
123 456
 * note: Be careful if Long value is 0 or larger, separating character is require 1 or longer length to processed correctly.
Some names are not mainstream
Besides the name that I checked in game chat,
I refered to map made by others, or I named it from terrain.
Dull color names may be told "Where do they mean?".

Please tell me if you call the place as other name.
  • Isla Spiro #4-2
    by Moby_Duck#1389
  • Isla Spiro #4
    by Moby_Duck#1389
  • Isla Spiro #3
    by Skudde/MajavaOuo
  • Isla V3
    by Skudde/MajavaOuo
Convenient tool
Ritalin44#0001 made this for more quick and eazy to check your current location.
When launched, it displays this map in the built-in chromium browser, and immediately displays the coordinates when the clipboard is updated.
A great site that released Gateway interactive map first.
This map image is courtesy of this site.
Sound of The Isle (for Legacy branch)
There are sounds of roar/sniff/footsteps. Quiz is also attached as bonus.

おいでよ きょうりゅうの島 (Discord)
This is Japanese Language Community.
The color of circle displayed around the safe-rock is a measure of safety.
Green Safety assured. It's the best place for a nap.
Part of the rock is very very safe.
While you are there, threats can't any other than walk around and make noise.
* Pachy/Galli/Dryo can ride on some rocks. (e.g. raptor rock)
* All of on V3 had confirmed whether Utah can escape attack of full-adult Giga.
 Thenyaw haven't yet.
light Green Almost Safety. I think it is also good.
Everyone can enter, but no-jump species will be afraid and hesitation.
If they do, break leg, can't go back, no choice but to fall off the cliff.
Yellow A bit small. Don't forget to watch out.
Should be afraid of Large-sized dino's wide attack range.
They might be able to kill you from outside.
Red Dangerous. Only stupid use it.
1) Too small. You will be attacked from not only Large-sized but also Medius-sized.
2) Meaningless for who knows how to climb. Bigger can climb without jump.

It's no doubt that there is safe compared to other places.
But, big dinos have a longer reach than you, and they can go up steps that you can't.
If you don't wanna die, you should rest at high places as far away as possible from the edge.

When the threat surrounds, you will be forced to spend a hard time as if you're in cage of non-fed zoo.
If you think "I have to death if this situation continues!", you should try to escape at the risk of your life, or safe-log.
* In order to endure for a long time, I recommend to eat/drink, before use, and while you think safe.

Don't forget this.
1) You also have a choice of "hiding in tree". (It may be safer than on rock in some cases)
2) No matter how high you climb, non-friendly Utahs can kill you.
I Love Utah! Yeah!! ヽ(*´∀`)ノ

You can open this again at any time
from the link "Readme" at top of sidebar